After I leave China I’m visiting my daughter who is teaching at an international school on the West Bank. Besides being a mule transporting mac-n-cheese and other delicacies, I unwittingly opened the door to some long distance shopping for my fashion-starved daughter.
I went for a short photo walk after dinner last night. It was Sunday night and the city center was hopping. Using a flash at night is a little invasive, but no one seemed to mind.
I’ve combined my existing hobby of street photography with my new hobby of power walking. I logged a total of 16 miles in 3 consecutive afternoons. That’s a lot of streets that got photographed.
Ah – the first day of 2015 and the beginning of year number five of my Faces & Places photography project. I took a 3 hour photo walk to the most crowded mall they have in Yangjiang and studied the crowd – inside & out. Unlike most people, I love crowds.