吉姆 JIM HOFMAN | Photography Faces & places in China

Analog | China Travels
Analog | China Travels

My son joined me during my first 3 months in China and we traveled a little during his visit. We went to Shanghai for a weekend and also had a good time in Hong Kong (until I got the flu).

Analog | Ningbo – Around Town
Analog | Ningbo - Around Town

I moved to Ningbo in March of 2024 to open a sourcing office for my company. It has always been a dream of mine to live in a foreign country and when the opportunity presented itself last year I lept at it. Ningbo is a “small city” of 9.4 million people. When I first started […]

Analog | Beijing
Analog | Beijing

To celebrate my son Ethan’s 19th birthday we traveled up to Beijing for a long weekend. On the first day, we hired a driver and went to the Great Wall. The second day didn’t exactly go to plan because I didn’t research ticket sales enough, but it was still a nice time. All photos were […]

Analog | Hong Kong
Analog | Hong Kong

I took a few trips in and out of Hong Kong in the fall of 2023. As always – it was a very photogenic city, both in the day and the night.

Analog | Yangjiang in the Summer
Analog | Yangjiang in the Summer

Hot, Hot, and more hot. Maybe some rain too. All photos were taken with a Zeiss Ikon ZM on Portra 400 film. Thanks to Anne for being my guide on a couple of photo outings.

Analog | Ningbo after Covid
Analog | Ningbo after Covid

I spent a month back in Ningbo after the big Covid wave of December 2022. It was great to see China back to normal.

Analog | Back to Shanghai
Analog | Back to Shanghai

After getting shut out of China for almost a year and a half, I was finally able to travel to Shanghai for some street photography and vintage camera shopping with my Ningbo friend Barry.

Analog | Returning to the Village
Analog | Returning to the Village

It took me over 15 months before I was able to return to China to continue my documentation of the final years of this 400-year-old village.

Analog | Winter Travel & Ningbo
Analog | Winter Travel & Ningbo

Some assorted photos using assorted cameras and assorted film stocks. These are the final photos taken in 2020.

Analog | Hong Kong 1.20
Analog | Hong Kong 1.20

I zig-zagged in and out of Hong Kong a few times on this trip, each time taking analog photos and getting the film processed/scanned at Dotwell in TST. I used both a Hasselblad C/M and Mamiya 6 for these – which is why everything is square. I really enjoy shooting the old neon signs in […]

Analog | Ningbo & Yangjiang 1.20
Analog | Ningbo & Yangjiang  1.20

More analog photos using a medium format Hasselblad 500 C/M. All photos were shot on Portra film. I visited my 99-year-old friend in the village again and met her 67-year-old third son. I asked about her secret for longevity and her answer was “I eat rice, vegetables, and meat every day.” That’s pretty much what […]

Analog | Hong Kong 8.19
Analog | Hong Kong 8.19

This was the summer of protests in Hong Kong and I saw evidence of them, but never actually saw any protesting. I left HK on the first day of of the protesting at the airport, but my plane left before they actually began.

Analog | Hong Kong & Shanghai 4.19
Analog | Hong Kong & Shanghai  4.19

So, I’ve gone all-in on analog photography, having purchased several film cameras in the last few months – including medium format, 35mm and a point-and-shoot. I’ve started developing and scanning my own negatives to speed-up the cycle. I’m really enjoying the “craft” of photography again.

Singapore 1.19
Singapore 1.19

I’ve wanted to go to Singapore for a long time and I finally had the opportunity because of some early factory shutdowns before CNY. It’s an amazing place.

Analog | China & Singapore 1.19
Analog | China & Singapore 1.19

After resisting the urge to reenter the world of film photography for the last two years I decided to jump in with both feet. My Christmas present to myself was a mint condition Nikon F2 film camera from Ebay.

Beijing 6.16
Beijing 6.16

This was my third trip to Beijing. Each time I see the same sights, so this time I was prepared to get some decent photos because I’ve already done the scouting.

Shekou 7.16
Shekou  7.16

I made a few quick stops in Shekou in between trips to Yangjiang, Ningbo and Qingxi. Lots of cities on this trip.

Hong Kong 2.16
Hong Kong 2.16

I was in Hong Kong on the first and last day of my month long trip – which is my typical routine since I fly in and out of Hong Kong. I LOVE this city. So much energy! So much great material for street photography!

Macau 2.16
Macau 2.16

I’ve driven by Macau about 30 times over the last four years and each time I think “I should make a side trip to Macau sometime”. Well this year I finally pulled the trigger and spent a couple days in the old city a few days before Chinese New Year. It was a mob scene.

Old Village Near Yangjiang
Old Village Near Yangjiang

So, we went to an “old village” near Yangjiang yesterday. When someone tells you that you’re going to an “old village” in China it can mean several things. It could be a top-of-the-line preserved tourist village complete with gift shops – or – it could be an old village where people live. Yesterday’s village was the later, which I enjoyed.

I found our money…
I found our money...

Yep – it’s all here. At the Wanda Plaza mall in Ningbo. This extremely upscale mall looks like it came straight from any major city in the US. Caution – rant ahead.

Departures – New T3 Terminal at Shenzhen Airport
Departures - New T3 Terminal at Shenzhen Airport

In December I photographed the 1 week old Shenzhen Terminal 3 arrivals hall because I had flown into the airport from Ningbo. Last week I departed from the airport so I could photograph the departures hall (and get to Ningbo). It was more spectacular than the arrivals areas because of the expansive perforated ceiling.

Shanghai & Ningbo in February
Shanghai & Ningbo in February

I only had one day to cruise around Pudong and grab a few shots. It was nice to hit the streets after a particularly brutal Minnesota winter. Just walking around the city was a treat after hibernating for the last 3 months.

Arrivals – New T3 Terminal at Shenzhen Airport
Arrivals - New T3 Terminal at Shenzhen Airport

I flew into the new (1 week old) T3 terminal yesterday and took some photos before the building becomes too dog-eared. It’s a beautiful structure with some unique repeating patterns. I watched this terminal being built over the last few years and was pretty excited about getting inside to see the results. I wasn’t disappointed.