吉姆 JIM HOFMAN | Photography Faces & places in China

Old People
Yangjiang 7.17
Yangjiang 7.17

I participated in the first ever Yangjiang Street Photography Photo Walk this week.  There was three of us, but only two photographers.

Kathmandu 7.17
Kathmandu  7.17

An amazing place – only a 4-hour flight from Guangzhou, but decades behind China.  We arrived prepared for Nepal’s summer monsoon season but returned with sun burns because of the unusually beautiful weather in July.

Hong Kong 3.17
Hong Kong  3.17

I enjoyed a whirlwind photo walk in TST and Mong Kok for a few hours before flying home. I logged 9.2 miles of walking and got some interesting close-up shots. I used the 14mm f2.8 lens on the Fuji X-Pro2 for all of these images.

Yangjiang | Zhapo 3.17
Yangjiang | Zhapo  3.17

The weather was warm and it felt great to get out and shoot. This is my first trip with the X-Pro2 and a bag of lenses and it was amazing! I spent most of the trip experimenting with settings and lenses.

Shenzhen | Qingxi 2.17
Shenzhen | Qingxi 2.17

I was lazy and didn’t get out to the Qingxi wet market early in the morning like I usually do, but there is always activity there and an opportunity for street photos. I also stopped briefly in Shenzhen and got out for a couple hours.

Kuala Lumpur 10.16
Kuala Lumpur  10.16

Not China, but it sure does feel like Hong Kong – and an amazing place for street photography.  Kuala Lumpur is a melting pot in Malaysia, with people from all over Asia and the west.  It’s also an incredibly cheap place for a holiday.  We stayed in an AirBnB one block from the main bar […]

Hong Kong 10.16
Hong Kong 10.16

The weather was GORGEOUS and I was able to spend 5 hours enjoying some street photography before my flight back to the US. I was staying in TST and took the MTR up to Mong Kok to grab some shots in the shopping district.

Beijing 6.16
Beijing 6.16

This was my third trip to Beijing. Each time I see the same sights, so this time I was prepared to get some decent photos because I’ve already done the scouting.

Yangjiang 7.16
Yangjiang 7.16

It was blazing hot in Yangjiang this July. I was only able to get out for street photos a couple times because it was raining so much and my schedule was nuts. Heat + rain = humidity. Not great for lenses sitting in an overly air conditioned hotel room. I had to preheat my camera before shooting.

Ningbo 7.16
Ningbo 7.16

I’m pretty sure my design associate and I were the cause of a beer shortage in Ningbo in late June. Sorry about that city of Ningbo. Work hard – play hard.

Qingxi 7.16
Qingxi 7.16

I went to Qingxi to celebrate the fourth of July with a group of expat friends. I also made my usual tour of the town for street photos. It never disappoints.

Hong Kong | Mongkok 4.16
Hong Kong | Mongkok 4.16

We took a great walk through the Ladies Market in Mongkok before dinner. I love the energy of that area of Hong Kong. It’s an incredibly target-rich area and home to a couple great camera stores. What else could you ask for?

Ningbo 4.16
Ningbo 4.16

I made my usual stop in Ningbo and took photos near my usual shopping mall (Wanda Plaza). Except for the people in the photos it looks like the photos could have been taken in Minneapolis.

Hong Kong 11.15
Hong Kong 11.15

I had a few hours in Hong Kong on my way home and grabbed some street photos after dinner. It was a really great trip and this was the icing on the cake. Once again, these were all taken with a small Nikon P7800 with an extra on-camera flash and not my usual big DSLR as an experiment.

Qingxi 11.15
Qingxi 11.15

I absolutely love southern China in October and early November. The humidity and big heat are gone. You can actually walk around in the middle of the day instead of hiding in an air conditioned office or hotel. That meant I could get out and enjoy lots of street photography without my lens fogging.

Yangjiang 10.15
Yangjiang 10.15

I visited Yangjiang twice on this trip, including a period that overlapped with the annual kite festival.

Lijiang 7.15
Lijiang 7.15

I’ve been mentally searching for a western city I’ve visited before that is similar to Lijiang. The only place I can think of is Venice, Italy.

Qingxi 7.15
Qingxi 7.15

I’ve run out of words to describe the central market in Qingxi. It’s simply big and full of sights, sounds and smells.

Yangjiang 6.15
Yangjiang 6.15

They were hot streets. Very hot.

Shenzhen & Qingxi 4.15
Shenzhen & Qingxi 4.15

I spent the weekend in Qingxi visiting my usual haunts for street photography – along with some new places in Shenzhen. The weather was perfect on most of the days and I even went mountain climbing with a new friend.

Yangjiang 4.15
Yangjiang 4.15

The weather is just as flaky here as it is in Minneapolis. One day it’s sunny and 80 degrees – the next day it’s in the 50’s and cloudy. Regardless, I got out a couple times for some street photos. I’m staying in a new hotel in the city center that’s better located for street shots.

This is not China…
This is not China...

This is not China… but there are surprising similarities. After my China trip in January I continued west to Dubai and Amman, Jordan. My final destination was Nablus in the West Bank. Of course I took my camera gear and did some street photography in Nablus, Hebron, Ramallah and Bethlehem.

Walking Yangjiang
Walking Yangjiang

I’ve combined my existing hobby of street photography with my new hobby of power walking. I logged a total of 16 miles in 3 consecutive afternoons. That’s a lot of streets that got photographed.

Qingxi – Blasting a Flash at Night
Qingxi - Blasting a Flash at Night

I tried a new twist on street photography and went out at night using a flash. Usually I’m less-than-obvious when I take photos out on the streets, but last night I turned on the flash and blasted people. It’s a little riskier than shooting from the hip, but I didn’t have any problems. The lighting effect is pretty stark and gritty.